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4.1 Community Group Directory
Local emergency services volunteer units
Marine Rescue Crowdy Harrington: 8-10 Beach Street. Base open every day 5am-6:30pm. Phone 6538 3700 (24 hours).
Harrington Rural Fire Brigade: 8 Pilot Street. First Monday of the month at 7pm. Captain Michael Cleland 0409 031 005, Deputies Robert McPherson 0413 705 962 and Garth Honeysett 0427 275 229.
State Emergency Service Harrington: Lot 1 Hogan Street. Phone 132 500 for emergency assistance. Local training Tuesday 6:30pm. For information: Krissy Jones, Mid-North Coast Capability Unit, 0428 427 319.
Crowdy Head Surf Life Saving Club: 557 Crowdy Head Road. Provides volunteer Surf Life Saving services on weekends from September to April every year. Phone 6556 1325.
School, pre-school and playgroup
Harrington Public School: 37 High St. With the motto “Respect, Responsibility & Personal Best” this is a coeducation primary school serving years K-6. Phone 6556 1267. Email harrington-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au.
Jabiru Teaching And Learning Centre: 7 Jabiru Drive. Offering pre-school, long day care, before school care, after school care and vacation care to children aged 6 weeks to 12 years. Phone 6556 0243. Email jabiru.t.l.c.harrington@gmail.com.
Sea Urchins Childcare Centre: 2-4 Kincumber Road. Open 7:30am-5:30pm. Offering programs based on the National Early Years Learning Framework for children aged up to 5 years. Phone 6556 1361. Email info@seaurchinschildcare.com.au.
Harrington Playgroup: Tuesday 9:30am-11:30am in the playgroup building at Esmond Hogan Park, Murray Street. Harrington Playgroup is small but friendly and welcomes new parents and carers with children under school age. Phone Diane Gibson 0411 616 933. Email harringtonplaygroup@outlook.com.
Service clubs and organisations
CWA Harrington: The CWA (Country Women’s Association) is about friendship, support and service to the community. Meets 2nd Monday of month in the Memorial Hall at 9.30am. Phone Tracey Bonfante on 0402 508 856. Email cwaharringtonsecretary@gmail.com.
Evening VIEW Club: VIEW (Voice, Interests and Education of Women) offers a friendship network, providing fun and a sense of purpose for members through supporting the work of children’s charity, The Smith Family. Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6pm; Phone Glenys Welsh 0413 494. 441.
Harrington and Surrounds Business and Community Association: Publisher of the local TellEverybody magazine, the Association promotes partnerships between businesses, community groups and individuals to support and enhance our community. Phone Cliff Hoare 0418 268 998.
Harrington Coastcare: Meets 1st Monday and 3rd Friday of the month at 9am for two hours of weed control around the rainforest dunes or lagoon. Phone Genevieve Godwin 0412 533 626. Email genevieve.manningcoastcare@gmail.com.
Lions Club: Lions club members are men and women who strive to make a difference in their local community while building lifelong friendships through their membership and participation in a wide range of practical community projects. Meeting every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Phone Chris Elford 0435 494 385. Email lionsharrington2427@gmail.com.
RSL Sub-Branch: Last Tuesday of the month at 9.30am at Club Harrington. Supporting veterans and their families. All Sub-Branch members and ex-servicemen welcome. Phone Paul Pannowitz 0422 867 273.
RSL Auxiliary: 2nd Monday of the month at 10.30am at Club Harrington. RSL Auxiliaries comprise men and women who work to raise funds for the wellbeing of current and ex-serving members of the ADF and their families. Phone Barbara Denny 6556 1442. Email bjdenny127@gmail.com.
Riverwalk Garden Care Corps: Volunteers work in teams to maintain the lawns and gardens along the riverwalk. Each team cares for a particular section on a regular day of the week. Equipment is provided by MidCoast Council. New volunteers welcome. Phone Merrilyn Duckett 0407 892 672.
Anglican Op Shop Harrington: Hedges Street. Operated by volunteers Monday to Saturday 9:00am-2:00pm. Closed public holidays. Phone 6556 1037.
Coopernook Op Shop: 4 Petrie Street, Coopernook. Operated by volunteers every Wednesday and Thursday 9:00am-2:00pm and the 1st and 2nd Saturday of the month 9:00am-2:00pm.
Orange Sky Laundry: Orange Sky Australia is a volunteer-run organisation providing a mobile laundry and shower service to people who do not have access to or cannot afford these facilities. It operates in the grounds of Coopernook Uniting Church every Thursday 11:00am-2:00pm. Volunteering opportunities are available: https://orangesky.org.au/what-we-do/.
Sporting clubs
Little Athletics: Esmond Hogan Park, Thursday 4.30pm (September – March); phone Lesley 0408 662 207.
Tennis: Esmond Hogan Park, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 9am, Thursday 6.30pm; Phone Wendy 6556 1368.
Golf: Harrington Waters Golf Club, 41 Josephine Boulevard; phone 6556 0404. Ladies Veterans’ Golf – Monday 8am, beginners welcome. Mens Veterans’ Golf – Friday 7:30am to 1:30pm.
Bowls: Club Harrington, 50 Beach Street; phone 6556 1209. Harrington Women’s Bowling Club – Tuesday and Wednesday mornings; phone Julie Pearce 0424 711 158.
Rugby League: Harrington Hurricanes Men’s Team; phone 0412 800 537.
Fishing: Both Club Harrington and Harrington Hotel have associated fishing clubs.
Surfing: Crowdy Head Surf Life Saving Club, 557 Crowdy Head Road. Provides training and education for the achievement of Surf Life Saving Awards. Nippers (ages 5 to under 14) meet every Sunday 9.30am to 11.30am (September to April). Phone 6556 1325.
St Peter’s Anglican Church: 32 High Street. Sunday 9:00am (Holy Communion) and 5:00pm. Friday 9:30am (Healing Service). Phone 6556 1217. Email anglican.harringtondistrict@gmail.com.
Harrington Community Church: Every Sunday at 9:30am in the Chapel at Harrington Community Village, and various midweek ‘Connect Groups’. Phone 0492 975 483. Email ask@hcchurch.org.au.
Star of the Sea Catholic Church: 6 Pilot Street. Rosary at 4:30pm and SCAE at 5:00pm on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month. Mass at 7:30am on every 4th and 5th Sunday of the month. Phone 6552 1084. Email Mary Hearn marydo29@yahoo.com.
Uniting Church: 30 High Street. See the notice board at the church for service times in Harrington or https://www.manningvalleyproject.com for information on the Lower Manning Uniting Church cluster.
Rivergate Covenant Church Kids Club: At Harrington Public School Friday 3pm-5pm. Food, games, sporting activities, drama, music and more. Open to all primary school aged children. Phone Mark 0438 985 644. Email rivergate@tsn.cc.
Arts, crafts and special interest groups
Art Group: Friday 10am-1pm in the Library. Phone Joyce Cacchia 6556 1831 or Lyn Hewitt 6556 1106.
Euchre: Tuesday 7pm in the Memorial Hall. Phone Barry Bone 6556 1553.
Knitting Group: Wednesday and Thursday 10am-12pm in the Library.
Men’s Shed: Monday to Friday 8.30am-12pm. Nicholson Street. Phone 6556 1626.
Patchwork and Quilting: Thursday 10am-2:30pm. ‘Pelican Piecers’ meet in the Harrington Function Centre. Phone Margaret Mulcahy 6556 1229 or Claire Wood 6556 1462.
Senior Citizens: 1st Monday of month at 10am in the Memorial Hall. $5 entry includes morning tea and 20 games of Hoy. Phone Julie Williams 6556 1061.
Women’s Group: Friday 1pm in the Memorial Hall. Bring sewing or other work. Phone Ruth Cheers 6556 1923.
Pen to Paper Writing Group: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 9.30am-11:30am in the Library. New members welcome.
Red Hatters: A social club for women focusing on fun, friendship and fitness. Phone Vicki 0432 171 492.
Book Club: Enquire at Harrington Library. Phone 6556 1652
Mahjong: Tuesday and Thursday 1pm-5pm in the Library.
Movie and Morning Tea: Monday 10am in the Library.
Pre-school Story Time: Thursday 10:30am-11:30am during school term time for 3-5 year olds in the Library.
Parent’s Morning Tea and Baby Rhyme Time: Friday at 11:00am (morning tea) and 11:30am (rhyme time) during school term time for 0-2 year olds in the Library.